What does Atlanticus do?
We invest in businesses primarily focused in the financial services industry.
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When is Atlanticus’s Fiscal Year end date?
Our fiscal year ends on December 31. Our quarters end on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
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On what exchange does Atlanticus trade and what is its ticker symbol?
Shares of our common stock are listed on The Nasdaq National Market under the symbol ATLC.
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How can I invest in Atlanticus? Can I purchase Atlanticus stock directly from the company?
You can purchase stock in our company through a registered brokerage or stock purchase service provider of your choice. You cannot buy Atlanticus stock directly from the company.
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Who is Atlanticus’s transfer agent?
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC
EQ Shareowner Services
PO Box 64874
St Paul MN 55164-0874
Phone: 1-800-401-1957
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How can I replace or transfer stock certificates?
Contact Transfer Agent
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC
EQ Shareowner Services
PO Box 64874
St Paul MN 55164-0874
Phone: 1-800-401-1957
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How can I get copies of your annual report and SEC filings?
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Who is Atlanticus’s Independent Auditor?
BDO USA, LLP - Atlanta, GA
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Who are Atlanticus's Executive Officers?
David G. Hanna, Jeffrey A. Howard, William R. McCamey
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How do I contact Investor Relations?
Investor Relations
Atlanticus Holdings Corporation
Five Concourse Parkway
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30328
Telephone: 770-828-2000
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